I am running to have a County Government that works for the people, not just political insiders. One party rule, what we currently have, does not have the checks and balances needed to run an efficient government.
The County needs a voice for the everyday working person, someone to fight the constant political angling to squeeze more money from the citizens.
If elected I will work to do the following:
Repeal the $20 County surcharge rip-off every time you renew your license plates (if the County can afford $60 million for a new Courthouse without a vote of the people – they do not need to gouge us $20 every year when we renew our license plates)
Stop the relentless increase in real estate taxes on homeowners (just because you could theoretically sell your house for more money does not mean that you should have to pay staggeringly higher taxes)
Stop the ridiculous waste of money on County projects. (For example, why spend millions of dollars of our taxpayer money and close the roads to install traffic roundabouts when a traffic light could be installed in a couple days for less than 1% of the cost)
End giveaways to politically connected millionaires by the Medina Port Authority and other agencies that allegedly promote “development.” (We need to help the farmers keep putting food on our tables, not give money to millionaires who turn farmland into the housing developments)
I will work every day to ensure taxpayer dollars are spent in the best interest of the taxpayers, as I did when I worked for 20 years at the Medina County District Library. In addition, I worked 32 years helping my employers save money in banking, production press forging, and mechanical contracting, and for the past three years I’ve handled the accounting for a local law firm.
I am widowed and have a son who is a commercial electrician, and a daughter who is a Data Analytics and AI platform engineer.
Please vote for me this Fall to save your tax dollars and give you a voice.